EvedMoshiach777 wrote: ↑January 9th, 2022, 6:56 am
Just one question I have on my mind. What are the reasons for choosing your avatar? I am curious because its used widely in Catholicism and by Jesuits & Freemasons. Don't get me wrong I did not ask this to criticize you in any way but just out of curiosity and personal concerns.
Hi David. Great question! Nobody ever asks me about that.
The symbol is called the Orb and Cross (or "globus cruciger" in Latin), and its an ancient Christian symbol denoting Christ's dominion over the world. The Orb is the world, and the Cross is Christ. In the modern era, it can be and often is misinterpreted as signifying that the Earth is a globe, but that is not correct. The Orb is the Firmament, with the Earth INSIDE of it, and the Kingdom of God above it. It is in fact based on the Ancient Hebrew cosmology, with the Earth being a disk in the center of an enclosed Terrarium, and God's Kingdom above it. The only different is that, in the Christian tradition, God is represented by a Cross. Other than that it is identical to the Hebrew.
The symbol is popular in (traditional) Catholicism, yes, but not among the Jesuits or Freemasons, as far as I'm aware. It actually PREDATES both of them by a good 500 years or so. One of the reasons I chose it is because it is an ancient Christian symbol that, in my opinion, we ought to start using again. Nowadays most people have either never heard of it, or incorrectly assume that the Globe is supposed to be the Earth (rather than the realm which CONTAINS the Earth). People like to say that Christians have "always known the earth is a sphere," and this symbol proves them wrong about that.
The Orb and Cross was very prolific in ancient times, a lot more than many people realize. Jesus Christ was often depicted by artists holding it in his hand. A lot of portraits of Medieval kings show them holding it as well, signifying both their legal authority, and also that their authority is UNDER CHRIST. If a king is holding the Orb and Cross, it means he is a Christian ruler. Even Cathedrals incorporate the symbol: they all have a Dome with a Cross on top. That is not a coincidence.
Back in the day, I took a college class on Traditional Art and Architecture. I was still "on the fence" regarding Flat Earth at the time. A good section of the class was devoted to traditional Cathedrals and their symbolism. A Cathedral is, among other things, a stylized "cosmological model" of sorts. I didn't mention this to anyone at the time, but as our professor was explaining all this to us, it suddenly struck me that the great Cathedrals of Western Civilization are all based on a FLAT EARTH cosmology. There is no denying it. It's all right there in the buildings!!
That realization was a big turning point in my life, and it is the main reason why I selected this symbol for my avatar.