Chuck Missler - Was He a Closet Flat Earther?

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Chuck Missler - Was He a Closet Flat Earther?

Post by DaveyT »

I think he may have been.

This video is perfect if you are wanting a globe-believing Christian you know to start thinking within our context of the end-times.

In the early days of my new birth, I loved going to listen to him speak on Monday nights at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa
This man was a genius, the best part, he was a Christian genius who had the courage to discuss Biblical and extra biblical topics no one would ever dare to. He had the best ability to mingle current events and prophecy, which made him so popular among young Christians.

This video has an amazing amount of information regarding what many who are new to this cosmological awakening are just beginning to realize. To realize just where Scientism has been taking humanity. Their evil plan to bring the fallen watchers and technology together in antichrist.

Robot Kontroler
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Re: Chuck Missler - Was He a Closet Flat Earther?

Post by Robot Kontroler »

Wow! That was a great teaching from Dr. Missler! Thank you for posting!
“My being longs for You in the night, also, my spirit within me seeks You earnestly. For when Your right-rulings are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world shall learn righteousness.”
‭‭Yeshayah (Isaiah)‬ ‭26:9‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
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Re: Chuck Missler - Was He a Closet Flat Earther?

Post by DaveyT »

Here's a study by Chuck Missler I found the other day.
This is a complete study of Genesis 6.
It covers what the shorter 40 minute video covers and lots more including aliens.

This video is 3 hours and 10 minutes long.
Here, you can either watch the video or download the audio in mp3 format to listen as time permits.
Genesis 6 Nephilim Giants - Chuck Missler.mp3
(173.88 MiB) Downloaded 465 times
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